sass - How to add susy to thorax without using compass? -

i've started using thorax, , have used thorax generator yeoman setting webapp:

$ npm install -g yo generator-thorax $ yo thorax desired-application $ cd desired-application $ grunt 

i've selected sass css preprocessor, , can run webapp after building grunt command.

now problem i'm not sure how can add susy gruntfile.js. documentation states should add require: 'susy' sass options parameter.

but don't have sass options in gruntfile.js, i've tried adding in - doesn't work when add @import "susy"; css/base.scss file.

has added susy thorax application?

edit i've tried adding susy through bower.

bower install susy --save 

and i'm able @import "../bower_components/susy/sass/susy"; nice have susy added sass options in gruntfile.js, , able @import "susy"; instead.

hum, if you've done gruntfile correctly, suppose that's there problem way installed susy.

have correct (and up-to-date 2.1.2) gem in ruby on have r/w rights ? if no, try run :

gem install susy 

like precised on docs, susy build part of compass, should try install with

gem install compass 

and add compass task in gruntfile, :

compass: {     dist: {         options: {             require: 'susy',             cssdir: 'css',             sassdir: 'sass'         }     } } 

where cssdir , sassdir respectively destination , source folder compass task.

don't forget install plugin :

npm install grunt-contrib-compass --save-dev 

to load , register it

grunt.loadnpmtasks('grunt-contrib-compass'); grunt.registertask('default', [compass']); 

or if don't want compass @ :

npm install grunt-contrib-sass --save-dev

sass: {     dist: {         options: {             style: 'expanded',             require: 'susy'         },         files: {             'css/compiled.css': 'main.scss'         }     } } 


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