api - php slim array wrong response -

hi guys i'm trying json response server, server send wrong array response, wrong, why wring response:

{ "error": false, "status": 200, "news": {     "0": {         "id": 30     },     "1": {         "id": 28     },     "2": {         "id": 32     },     "3": {         "id": 31     } } }  

this php code:

 <?  require_once '../include/dbhandler.php';  require '.././libs/slim/slim.php';  \slim\slim::registerautoloader();  $app = new \slim\slim();  $app->get('/main', function() { $response = array();     $db  = new dbhandler();     $result = $db->getmainnews();     $response["error"] = false;     $response["status"] = 200;     $response["news"] = array();     while($new = $result->fetch_assoc()) {         $tmp = array();         $tmp["id"] = $new["id"];         array_push($response["news"], $tmp);     }  } );    $app->run(); 

you trying manually setup response when should doing using embedded response object.

see examples in slim manual:

for example:

$app->response->headers->set('content-type', 'application/json'); $return = array(); $db  = new dbhandler(); $result = $db->getmainnews();  $return["news"] = array(); while($new = $result->fetch_assoc()) {     $tmp = array();     $tmp["id"] = $new["id"];     array_push($return["news"], $tmp); } $app->response->body(json_encode($return)); 


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