angular - visual studio 2015 compile error echo VS 11 Common tools not found -

i working on angular 2 application using vs 2015; installing npm via nuget i'm getting below compile error

severity    code    description project file    line    suppression state error command "       if exist "%vs110comntools%vsdevcmd.bat" (       call "%vs110comntools%vsdevcmd.bat"       ) else (       echo vs 11 common tools not found       )       if exist "%vs120comntools%vsdevcmd.bat" (       call "%vs120comntools%vsdevcmd.bat"       ) else (       echo vs 12 common tools not found       )       set path=c:\dev\samples\angular2\helloworld\packages\npm.js.\build\..\tools\;%path%       "c:\dev\samples\angular2\helloworld\packages\npm.js.\build\..\tools\npm" install       " exited code 1. helloworld           

which causes error? idea.


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