arduino - Mac + Uno + avrdude: stk500_recv(): programmer is not responding -
i'm trying upload .hex file arduino. don't have problems uploading code through ide (like blink example or other). port , board correct.
so problem appears when try upload
avrdude -pm328p -carduino -p/dev/tty.usbmodemfd121 -b57600 -d -uflash:w:grbl_v0_8c_atmega328p_16mhz_9600.hex -v -v -v -v avrdude: version 6.1, compiled on mar 23 2014 @ 04:42:55 copyright (c) 2000-2005 brian dean, copyright (c) 2007-2014 joerg wunsch system wide configuration file "/usr/local/cellar/avrdude/6.1/etc/avrdude.conf" user configuration file "/users/mikhail/.avrduderc" user configuration file not exist or not regular file, skipping using port : /dev/tty.usbmodemfd121 using programmer : arduino overriding baud rate : 57600 avrdude: send: 0 [30] [20] avrdude: send: 0 [30] [20] avrdude: send: 0 [30] [20] avrdude: ser_recv(): programmer not responding avrdude: stk500_recv(): programmer not responding avrdude: stk500_getsync() attempt 1 of 10: not in sync: resp=0x00
what tried:
- i have 4 uno's @ table (original + free versions), same issue.
- i have installed newest drivers here, tried , without them.
- tried avrdude comes arduino ide (1.0.5 , nightly builds) , newest avrdude v.6.1
brew install avrdude
- different baud rates down 9600
- tried press reset after bytes sent suggested here
what fixed me was:
- disconnect usb cable arduino
- try upload program
- this fail , arduino app ask usb port use.
- i did twice
- then plug in usb cable arduino
- upload program... succes!
note: shortly before installed drivers mentioned mikhail.
setup: mac os 10.9.5, 1.0.6, arduino duemilanove
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