editor - vim - show one file in several files consistently -

i.e. possible in vim edit large file in several simultaneously opened tabs in following way: first part of text (that fill vertical space), second - in second pane, , on.

if not possible in vim, maybe it's feature implemented in other editors?

synchronizes 2 vim panes

lets window 20 rows, then

:vsplit                 // splits window left , right panes ^w^w                    // focuses right pane 20^e                    // scrolls right pane down 20 rows :windo set scrollbind   // syncronizes both panes 

^w means press , hold ctrl , press w. likewise ^e

:windo means :set scrollbind in open panes

implement in function

wraps above commands in function , binds to [

function! syncscroll()   vsplit                    execute "normal! \<c-w>\<c-w>" . winheight(0) . "\<c-e>"   windo set scrollbind endfunction  nnoremap [ :call syncscroll()<cr> 

you can add above function , mapping vimrc :e $myvimrc , reload :source $myvimrc



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