matlab - Comparing two images with corr2 function -

i'm dealing recognition of traffic signs, i'm trying compare 2 images corr2 function on matlab, not giving results sometimes, using threshold find best images among template images. evaluate wrong image. want improve results of corr2 function pre-processing methods. method should follow?

temp=[]; i=1:10     res=sprintf('%d.png',i)     yol=fullfile('cember\taslak_cember\',res);       a=imread(yol);     b=imread('30_1.png');     a=rgb2gray(a);     b=rgb2gray(b);     a=im2bw(a,0.4);     b=im2bw(b,0.4);     c=corr2(a,b);     temp=[temp c]; end max(temp) ` 


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