python - django models dependancy between two classes -
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i have 2 models in django app, both models contain multiple instances of other class. eg) topic can contain many books, , book may belong many topics. so, both must have manytomanyfield of other. code:
class topic(models.model): books = models.manytomanyfield(book) class book(models.model): topics = models.manytomanyfield(topic)
now problem is, error 'book' not defined. how rid of this?
pass name of model string manytomanyfield
instead of model itself, see here (foreignkey
behaves same way).
class topic(models.model): books = models.manytomanyfield('book') class book(models.model): topics = models.manytomanyfield('topic')
i blindly answered without noticing same thing daniel. need have relationship defined in 1 of models, not both ways.
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