vb.net - How to Show my My Queried Data using OleDbDataReader vb -
i know walk in park of on site, n00b me giving me little trouble now, i'm trying program "query" button show/search data access file based on string entered in corresponding textbox. example if trying search access db employees named eric. want able type eric in firstname txtbox , show list of employees named eric within access file. far have code runs without error when click button whatever in textbox disappears. positive im missing , need guidance. here code far.doing in vb please help!!!
using con = new oledbconnection("provider=microsoft.ace.oledb.12.0;data source=c:\users\eric\documents\fadv.accdb") dim sql string = ("select firstname, lastname info") dim cmd new oledbcommand(sql, con) con.open() dim reader oledbdatareader reader = cmd.executereader() while reader.read() txtfirstname.text = reader(0).tostring() console.writeline(" {0} = {1}", reader("firstname"), reader("lastname")) txtfirstname.text = reader(0).tostring() end while reader.close() end using
using con = new oledbconnection("provider= blah blah blah...") dim sql string = "select firstname, lastname info firstname = ?" ' oledbcommand supports dispose using cmd new oledbcommand(sql, con) cmd.parameters.addwithvalue("@p1", txtwhere.text) con.open() dim reader oledbdatareader reader = cmd.executereader() ' listbox store more 1 result lstresults.items.clear ' clear old stuff while reader.read() lstresults.items.add(string.format("{0}, {1}", reader.item(1).tostring, reader.item(0).tostring()) console.writeline(" {0} = {1}", reader("firstname"), reader("lastname")) end while reader.close() end using end using
the sql can modified search names like, can find eric, erin , erica @ once. can use other data access methods simple fire query , bind controls datagridview
finally, parameters protect visit little bobby tables. learn them, know them, love them.
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