Rails: saving value selected in collection_select in the view -
i'm rails newby, , spent of today trying find answer problem, couldn't figure out. think common problem lot of people may looking straightforward answer, here goes:
all want use collection_select statement, store selected value in variable @bno, , use same variable filter out properties belong building.
here's code:
<%= collection_select :property, :buildingnumber, building.all, :streetno, :streetno, {prompt: "building number"},{:class => "form-control"}%>
as understand looking around so, params[:property][:buildingnumber] should hold selection.
now further down, have code:
<% @properties.filter_by_building(buildingnumber: property.find(params[:property][:buildingnumber])).each |property| %> <div class="col-sm-6 col-md-4"> <div class="thumbnail relative"> <%= image_tag property.avatar.url(:medium) %> <div class="caption fixedtextheight"> <h4>building no: <%= property.buildingnumber%></h4><h4>property no: <%= property.number%></h4> <p><h5>rented: <%=property.rented%></h5></p> <p> <a type="button" class="btn btn-default navbar-btn" href=<%= edit_property_path(property) %>>edit</a> <%= link_to "delete", property, method: :delete, :class=>"btn btn-default navbar-btn", data: { confirm: "deleting property delete tenants, expenses, , leases associated it."} %> </p> </div> </div> </div> <%end%>
here error get:
nomethoderror in properties#index showing /users//desktop/jr buildings/jrbuilding/app/views/properties/index.html.erb line #31 raised:
undefined method `[]' nil:nilclass extracted source (around line #31):
<% @properties.filter_by_building(buildingnumber: property.find(params[:property][:buildingnumber])).each |property| %>
i'm confused how should save local variables in views, i'm coming java/obj c background, , want simple, filter page based on value user selects in collection_select. need figure out how update page somehow.
anyway helpful tips appreciated, thank in advance!
also want show filter_by_building code in property model:
def self.filter_by_building(opts={}) buildingno = opts[:buildingnumber] building = building.arel_table self.where(:buildingnumber => buildingno) end
thanks much!
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