android - Get MAC address in mobile devices? -
i need retrieve available mac addresses available in current mobile device, , if possible active network card ip address.
- how can active network card mac , ip address in delphi xe5 / xe6 ?
following @wholegrain's answer , info link posted @user3631728 how can programmatically mac address of iphone:
"in ios 7 , later, if ask mac address of ios device, system returns value 02:00:00:00:00:00. if need identify device, use identifierforvendor property of uidevice instead. (apps need identifier own advertising purposes should consider using advertisingidentifier property of asidentifiermanager instead.)"
if this suffice, can ios:
uses {$ifdef ios} iosapi.uikit; {$endif} procedure tform1.button2click(sender: tobject); var {$ifdef ios} device : uidevice; {$endif} begin {$ifdef ios} device := tuidevice.wrap(tuidevice.occlass.currentdevice); showmessage(device.uniqueidentifier.utf8string); showmessage(device.identifierforvendor.uuidstring.utf8string); {$endif} end;
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