c# - Ignore Mapping all zero properties, AutoMapper? -

i wanna ignore numeric properties 0 value in automapper configuration.
so, i've written following extension method :

public static imappingexpression<tsource, tdestination> ignorezeronumericproperties<tsource, tdestination>(this imappingexpression<tsource, tdestination> expression) {     type sourcetype = typeof(tsource);     type destinationtype = typeof(tdestination);      list<propertyinfo> numericpropertis = sourcetype.getproperties().tolist();     foreach (propertyinfo propertyinfo in numericpropertis)     {         string sourcepropertyname = propertyinfo.name;         type sourcepropertytype = propertyinfo.propertytype;          if (!sourcepropertytype.isnumerictype()) continue;          bool isthesamepropertyexistindestinationtype = destinationtype.getproperties().any(q => q.name == sourcepropertyname && q.propertytype == sourcepropertytype);         if (!isthesamepropertyexistindestinationtype) continue;          parameterexpression parameterexpression = expression.parameter(sourcetype, "c");         memberexpression memberexpression = expression.property(parameterexpression, sourcepropertyname);         object value = convert.changetype(0, sourcepropertytype);         constantexpression constantexpression = expression.constant(value);         expression<func<tsource, bool>> lambdaexpression = expression.lambda<func<tsource, bool>>(expression.greaterthan(memberexpression, constantexpression), parameterexpression);         func<tsource, bool> func = lambdaexpression.compile();          expression.formember(sourcepropertyname, opt => opt.condition(func));     }     return expression; } 

i'm using following :

mapper.createmap<attachmentmodel, attachment>().ignorezeronumericproperties(); 

isnumerictype method :

public static bool isnumerictype(this type type) {     if (type == null)     {         return false;     }      switch (type.gettypecode(type))     {         case typecode.byte:         case typecode.decimal:         case typecode.double:         case typecode.int16:         case typecode.int32:         case typecode.int64:         case typecode.sbyte:         case typecode.single:         case typecode.uint16:         case typecode.uint32:         case typecode.uint64:             return true;         case typecode.object:             if (type.isgenerictype && type.getgenerictypedefinition() == typeof(nullable<>))             {                 return isnumerictype(nullable.getunderlyingtype(type));             }             return false;     }     return false; } 

it compiles without problems,
seems doesn't work , 0 properties map. what's problem ?

i find problem.
i've corrected following line :

// q.propertytype == sourcepropertytype removed     bool isthesamepropertyexistindestinationtype = destinationtype.getproperties().any(q => q.name == sourcepropertyname);             if (!isthesamepropertyexistindestinationtype) continue; 

the destination's property type int? , source's property type int. condition didn't created.


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