c# - How to retrieve value from nested struct -
i creating application retrieve data facebook page using fql. fql query is:
select id, text, attachment.media.image.src comment post_id in (select post_id stream source_id = "mypageid" , actor_id = "mypageid" limit 100)
i got value id , text using way:
public class mycomments { public string id { get; set; } // comment id public string text { get; set; } // comment } list<mycomments> q = jsonconvert.deserializeobject<list<mycomments>> (results.data.tostring()); if (q.count != 0) { post_id = q[0].id.tostring(); post_text = q[0].text.tostring(); }
but how value src, because struct in struct attachment > in struct media > in struct image > string src.
is there possible way value string src? in c# code?
please guys, in advance.
i haven't played fql, json easy enough deal with.
the first thing examine json object returned fql , see if has nested structure objects in or not. assuming does, need create class each nested object.
let's assume have json structure similar this:
[{ "id": "<comment id>", "text": "<comment text>", "attachment": { "media": { "image": { src: "<image source string>" } } } }, { ... }]
in order unpack c# class you'll need class each level: attachment -> media -> image:
public class mycomments { public string id { get; set; } public string text { get; set; } public attachment attachment { get; set; } public class attachment { public media media { get; set; } } public class media { public image image { get; set; } } public class image { public string src { get; set; } } }
of course if have use classes outside of single response can un-nest them , add other fields might use. find simpler use way, since encapsulated within result record class.
once you've deserialized response fql should able access src
item (in code above):
post_src = q[0].attachment.media.image.src;
just careful json matches structure you've laid out it, or deserialization errors. watch arrays - can mess unless you're ready them.
edit: [removed section on arrays since doesn't fit actual use-case]
here's set of classes deserialize json posted on pastebin:
public class mycomments { public string post_id; public string message; public attachment attachment; public class attachment { public media[] media; } public class media { public string href; public string alt; public string type; public string src; public photo photo; } public class photo { public string aid; public string pid; public string fbid; public string owner; public int index; public int width; public int height; public image[] images; } public class image { public string src; public int width; public int height; } }
tested against posted json:
mycomments comment = jsonconvert.deserializeobject<mycomments>(jsrc); console.writeline("source: {0}", comment.attachment.media[0].photo.images[0].src);
source: https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfa1/t1.0-9/s720x720/10288743_852243528123890_8104585654908358176_n.jpg
just aware arrays can empty, above fail indexoutofrangeexception
. test length
of arrays before indexing them.
i'd write code in mycomments.photo
class find image matches criteria - largest dimensions, instance. this:
public image largestimage() { return images.orderbydescending(i => i.width).thenbydescending(i => i.height).firstordefault(); }
then can largest image, regardless of order images supplied in, or null
if image list empty:
var img = comment.attachment.media[0].photo.largestimage(); if (img != null) console.writeline("source: {0}", img.src);
for list of sources of largest image media attached comment:
var q = ( m in comment.attachment.media let img = m.photo.largestimage() img != null select img.src ).tolist();
or without largestimage
var q = ( m in comment.attachment.media let img = m.photo.images .orderbydescending(i => i.width) .thenbydescending(i => i.height) .firstordefault() img != null select img.src ).tolist();
works if no images
entries parsed out of json whatever reason.
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