dnspython 1.11.1 EmptyLabel exception in python 2.7.6 -

i installed dnspython using "pip install dnspython". opened python shell , tried following code:

import dns.resolver answers = dns.resolver.query('dnspython.org', 'mx') 

and getting following:

traceback (most recent call last):   file "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>   file "dns/resolver.py", line 973, in query     return get_default_resolver().query(qname, rdtype, rdclass, tcp, source,   file "dns/resolver.py", line 961, in get_default_resolver     default_resolver = resolver()   file "dns/resolver.py", line 489, in __init__     self.read_resolv_conf(filename)   file "dns/resolver.py", line 540, in read_resolv_conf     self.search.append(dns.name.from_text(suffix))   file "dns/name.py", line 638, in from_text     raise emptylabel dns.name.emptylabel 

i on osx mavericks using python 2.7.6, pip version 1.5.4, , dnspython version 1.11.1

it looks might have dns issues locally or permissions issue. can make sure have network dns pages setup correctly.


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