How to insert data from txt to mySQL using php? -

i have in words.txt :

ada adanya adalah adapun 

i want insert of them mysql table , make sure no whitespace inserted. table should :

id  |  word 1   |  ada 2   |  adanya 3   |  adalah 4   |  adapun 

i've been searching in forum, can't find case mine.
thank help.

create file-handle fopen(), check if valid handle, run loop fgets() argument loop - have each line individually stored variable inside loop, in case $line. run query insert line inside while-loop.

if ($file = fopen("words.txt", "r")) {     while (($line = fgets($file)) !== false) {         // run query         // perhaps $line = trim($line)  ?         // pseudo-query: insert tablename (word) values ('$line')         // $line content of each line individually */     }      fclose($file); // close file @ end } else {     /* file not opened */ } 

you can use trim() on each $line remove whitespaces (would $line = trim($line);).

also note when inserting values database, should use parameterized queries ensure avoid security issues (sql injection) , issues quotes.


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