ios - Video streaming in video player in appcelerator titanium for iPhone -
i have started iphone dev on appcelerator titanium. went through following stuff!/api/ have tried media types mentioned no avail. can play sample link procided in document can't play blob link, store video. using azure media services storing video.
here's code
var videoplayer ={ url:'', media:'blob', top : '120px', autoplay : true, backgroundcolor : 'blue', height : 300, width : 300, mediacontrolstyle :, scalingmode :, }); self.add(videoplayer);
hi hemant tired url (hls v4), returned me 404. suggest following debugging reference:
if using dynamic packaging, please make sure have 1 streaming reserved unit turned on. adjust through portal, under media services -> origin tab.
if packaged media file through portal (static packaged hls content), please try see whether playback content through native safari browser.
currently, support hls v4 , v3 through dynamic packaging (please read blog post here: maybe trying deliver v4 browser doesn't support v4?
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