hadoop - Oozie workflow xml error -

running oozie workflow include these lines:

 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <workflow-app xmlns="uri:oozie:workflow:0.2" name="cs-wf-fork-join">     <start to="fork-node"/>      <fork name="fork-node">         <path start="my-node" />     </fork> 

i following error:

error: e0701 : e0701: xml schema error, cvc-complex-type.2.3: element 'fork' cannot have character [children], because type's content type element-only.

i'm using guide: http://www.thecloudavenue.com/2013/10/executing-oozie-workflow-with-pig-hive.html

checking schema, seem need @ least 2 element in fork:

<xs:complextype name="fork">     <xs:sequence>         <xs:element name="path" type="workflow:fork_transition" minoccurs="2" maxoccurs="unbounded"/>     </xs:sequence>     <xs:attribute name="name" type="workflow:identifier" use="required"/> </xs:complextype> 

also, can use command line validation validate xml


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