cocoa touch - Resizable UIView with content "bitmap" size independent of bounds.size -


i want achieve effect of uiview subclass implementing drawrect: can scaled way down full-size zero-size make vanish, way zero-size full-size make reappear.


i don't want use contentmode uiviewcontentmoderedraw means redraw every animation frame, slow.

i'd need able create original uiview @ full-size, zero-size, or size between. regardless of uiview's creation size, calayer's size (or whatever entity bitmap managed with) should always needed full-size view. calayer scaled necessary size of uiview display.

a normal uiview achieves this, provided begins life @ full-size (when drawrect: called) , "vanished" down zero-size. fails if uiview begins @ zero-size, , expanded again "reappear" it.

if technique works standard uiviews , not subclasses, that'd better.

thank you.


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