java - Why i can't setEnable(false) for created dynamically buttons -
i creating 6/6 grid of buttons, using tablelayout , tablerow.
private button mybutton; private static final int a=7; private static final int b=7; private void createlayoutdynamically() { won = (tablelayout)findviewbyid(; ( int qq = 1; qq < a; qq++) { tablerow tablerow = new tablerow(this); tablerow.setlayoutparams(new tablelayout.layoutparams( tablelayout.layoutparams.match_parent, tablelayout.layoutparams.match_parent, 2 )); won.setpadding(20,20,20,20); won.addview(tablerow); ( int q = 1; q < b; q++) { mybutton = new button(this); } } }
i have implemented coundowntimme, , when time ends want disable onclick buttons in grid.
public void inittimer(){ lol =new countdowntimer(czass, 100) { public void ontick(long millisuntilfinished) { czass = millisuntilfinished; czas.settext("" + millisuntilfinished / 1000); } public void onfinish() { layout2.setvisibility(view.visible); ( int = 0; < won.getchildcount(); i++ ){ view view = won.getchildat(i); view.setenabled(false); } } }.start(); }
so got grid child, when time ended can still click buttons. why not disabled? u me ?
to clear, corrected @matiash's code fit code:
button buttons [][]= new button[a][b]; (int i=1;i<buttons.length;i++) { (int j=1;j<buttons[i].length;j++) { button btn = buttons[i][j]; btn.setenabled(false); } }
this do same fits posted code. come in handy.
this happening because getchildat()
returns view
: when calling setenabled()
changing state of view
, , not button
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