vb.net - How to use PKCS7 with BouncyCastle Rijndael in .Net -

i'm working on project requires me cipher data using rijndael, cbc , pkcs7...

i have examples show me initial data , result should after applying rijndael... tried using .net rijndaelmanaged class got nothing similar expected value , believe it's because of issue while converting byte array string...

on other hand, using bouncycastle's rijndael implementation managed similar expected value, , difference can't set pkcs7 padding mode... , biggest issue cannot find documentation anywhere!

here's simplified version of encrypt function, notice included key , iv definitions here testing.

public shared function encrypt(data byte()) byte()     dim thecipher new org.bouncycastle.crypto.engines.rijndaelengine()     dim ciphr new paddedbufferedblockcipher(new cbcblockcipher(thecipher), new pkcs7padding())      dim key new keyparameter(system.text.encoding.utf8.getbytes("---examplekey---"))     dim iv byte() = system.text.encoding.utf8.getbytes("---example-iv---")      dim ivkey new parameterswithiv(key, iv)     ciphr.init(true, ivkey)      dim size integer = ciphr.getoutputsize(data.length)     dim result(size) byte      dim olen integer = ciphr.processbytes(data, 0, data.length, result, 0)     olen += ciphr.dofinal(result, olen)      if olen < size         dim tmp(olen) byte         array.copy(result, 0, tmp, 0, olen)         result = tmp     end if      return result end function 

basically plain text n times blocksize. means full block of padding added before encryption, resulting in additional block of ciphertext. furthermore, because way vb creates arrays, need use dim varname(size - 1) byte.


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