robotframework - Automating a test case in Robot Framework -

i trying automate test case in robot framework in trying go link , write query in query editor. not able write query in query editor. please , in advance.

*** test cases *** query     open browser    gc     input text    //*[@id="tryitform"]/div/div[6]/div[1]/div/div/div/div[5]/pre[1]    select * tests 

enter image description here

i guess have use different keyword instead of "input text" .

the problem encountering text area isn't standard html textarea widget. codemirror editor, , don't think can directly interact codemirror editor using selenium commands.

what can instead use codemirror api set value in editor. example, following works me on web page specified in code example:

execute javascript     window.editor.setvalue('select * tests') 

note: solution highly dependent on web page implementation. in specific case, web page creating javascript variable named window.editor refers codemirror object. if trying on other page uses codemirror, might have use other method reference codemirror object.


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