Spring Oauth2 resource server with jwt token store working without verification key -

i implemented oauth2 authorization server jwt token store. have configured use private/public verfification key. here tokenconverter implementation.

@bean public tokenstore tokenstore() {     return new jwttokenstore(jwttokenenhancer()); }  @bean protected jwtaccesstokenconverter jwttokenenhancer() {     keystorekeyfactory keystorekeyfactory = new keystorekeyfactory(new classpathresource("jwt.jks"), "mysecretkey".tochararray());     jwtaccesstokenconverter converter = new jwtaccesstokenconverter();     converter.setkeypair(keystorekeyfactory.getkeypair("jwt"));     return converter; } 

in resource server have added

security:   basic:     enabled: false   oauth2:     resource:       user-info-uri: http://localhost:8050/user       jwt:         key-value:            -----begin public key-----          miibijanbgkqhkig9w0baqefaaocaq8amiibcgkcaqeaky30ipcsc+uni2xix07gu0u+pnxjyyit9/qdzvrmyxg2j+w8i1gzfkwjeuv8imrxnfy2wocwe281ck689ji2wbpd3sfxnjeyuzjthk3tsspnuefwym7yz90iqt8tpocvbpmwrnu3tk09coh2cczjvjbawtwglkm2zelk0v8npa1itzlrnhqtgydiatmpnevbyhamu2bklredmknq4paax0hhkiu78buop7aaslicybqjxp+wo3ps8514bycfdrh5bnmt/0urvmsv9ew2u2shojbau98lviaoo98rshyue3iu9rzsw0bce4xuzkkuuhborzlayhzv1ihinu6pqo+bmqidaqab           -----end public key----- 

and works fine.

the problem it's still working if remove public key configuration, , can rest resource. expect won't able decode token without specifying matching public key.

how can configure authorization server token not decoded without correct public key?


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