reactjs - Changing route with react Router 4 from child -
i have problem react router , new update (version 4).
this im rendering:
<browserrouter> <div> <maincomponent/> <link to="/firstchild" >this link</link> <rout path="/firstchild" component={firstchild}/> <route path="/secondchild" component={secondchild}/> </div> </browserrouter>
the first link renders firstchild component, supposed do.
but when have link within firstchild route secondchild component :
<browserrouter> <div> <link to="/quelle">link secondchild</link> </div> </browserrouter>
it changes route, secondchild component doesnt show up. after go , forth page (alt+arrowleft, alt+arrowright) loads secondchild.
so how create links in child components correctly, since seem fail horribly atm.
help appreciated! thanks
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