Django Python - How to display informations from different tables in one HTML template -

i have mysql database containing 4 tables. tables have 4 corresponding classes in file (in django app). have defined views in file , made html templates each template can communicate 1 view (and think has this). display on html template informations coming different tables (classes

for example: have template "about.html" this:

{% load static %} <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{% static 'pdbapp/stat_style.css' %}" />  <body class="news">   <header>     <div class="nav">       <ul>         <li class="home"><a href="/pdbapp/home/">home</a></li>         <li class="info pdb"><a href="/pdbapp/pdbinfo/">infos</a></li>         <li class="about"><a class="active" href="/pdbapp/about/">about</a></li>        </ul>     </div>   </header> </body>  <h1>about us</h1>  <h2>project members</h2>  {% if namelist %}     <ul>     {% in namelist %}         <li><a href="/pdbapp/pdbinfo/{{ }}">{{ }}</a></li>     {% endfor %}     </ul> {% else %}     <p>no informations available.</p> {% endif %} 

and display in html template number of entries in mysql tables "pdb" , "struct_sec" (see below):

create table pdb(     id_pdb_chain char(5) not null primary key,     id_pdb char(4) not null,     chaine varchar(10) not null,     header varchar(255) not null,     sequence_proteine text not null,     start_seq int not null,     taille_proteine int not null,     resolution_pdb float not null,     meth_res varchar(10) not null,     foreign key (meth_res)     references methodes_res(meth_res)     on delete cascade );  create table struct_sec(     id_struct_sec int not null auto_increment primary key,     start_pred int not null,     structure_predite text not null,     nombre_ppii int not null,     pourcentage_ppii float not null,      angle_phi text not null,     angle_psi text not null,     id_pdb_chain char(5) not null,     nom_analyse varchar(7) not null,     foreign key (id_pdb_chain)     references pdb(id_pdb_chain)     on delete cascade,     foreign key (nom_analyse)     references methodes_analyse(nom_analyse)     on delete cascade  ); 

here corresponding class in file "":

from __future__ import unicode_literals  django.db import models   class pdb(models.model):     id_pdb_chain = models.charfield(db_column='id_pdb_chain', primary_key=true, max_length=5)  # field name made lowercase.     id_pdb = models.charfield(db_column='id_pdb', max_length=4)  # field name made lowercase.     chaine = models.charfield(max_length=10)     header = models.charfield(max_length=255)     sequence_proteine = models.textfield(db_column='sequence_proteine')  # field name made lowercase.     start_seq = models.integerfield()     taille_proteine = models.integerfield(db_column='taille_proteine')  # field name made lowercase.     resolution_pdb = models.floatfield(db_column='resolution_pdb')  # field name made lowercase.     meth_res = models.foreignkey('methodesres', models.do_nothing, db_column='meth_res')  # field name made lowercase.      def __unicode__(self):         return self.id_pdb      class meta:         managed = false         db_table = 'pdb'  class structsec(models.model):     id_struct_sec = models.autofield(primary_key=true)     start_pred = models.integerfield()     structure_predite = models.textfield(db_column='structure_predite')  # field name made lowercase.     nombre_ppii = models.integerfield(db_column='nombre_ppii')  # field name made lowercase.     pourcentage_ppii = models.floatfield(db_column='pourcentage_ppii')  # field name made lowercase.     angle_phi = models.textfield()     angle_psi = models.textfield()     id_pdb_chain = models.foreignkey(pdb, models.do_nothing, db_column='id_pdb_chain')  # field name made lowercase.     nom_analyse = models.foreignkey(methodesanalyse, models.do_nothing, db_column='nom_analyse')  # field name made lowercase.      def __str__(self):         return str(self.id_pdb_chain)      class meta:         managed = false         db_table = 'struct_sec' 

how should this. beginner in django, please believe tried understand has been explained on web unsuccessfully.

your view should this:

def detail(request, poll_id):     pdbs = pdb.objects.all()     structsecs = structsec.objects.all()      return render(request, 'detail.html', {'pdbs': pdbs, 'structsecs': structsecs}) 

then in template:

{% pdb in pdbs %}     {{pdb.header}}  {% endfor %}  {% structsec in structsecs %}     {{structsecs.structure_predite}}  {% endfor %} 

more: queries , views , templates


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