vaadin8 - Vaadin - HorizontalLayout expand ratio 0 leads to 0 width -

here ui tree size settings:

horizontallayout (size full)

  • formlayout (size undefined, expand ratio: 0)

    • field 1 (size undefined)
    • field 2 (size undefined)
    • field 3 (size undefined)
  • panel (size full, expand ratio: 1)

    • label (width 100%, height undefined)

what want:

give formlayout minimum space needs, , rest of space should occupied panel.

what happened:

the formlayout has 0 width (practically invisible) , panel takes whole space.

if expand ratio both 1, form layout , panel seem have same width.

is did incorrect? how formlayout keeps size, , panel grow horizontally?


main view class:

private horizontallayout layout;  private formlayout formlayout; private textfield title; private upload upload; private combobox<string> charset; private button btnsubmit;  private textviewer textviewer;    public textuploadview() {     createtitle();           createupload();     createbtnsubmit();     createcharset();     formlayout = new formlayout(title, upload, charset, btnsubmit);      textviewer = new textviewer();      layout = new horizontallayout(formlayout, textviewer);     layout.setsizefull();     layout.setexpandratio(formlayout, 0);     layout.setexpandratio(textviewer, 1); } 

the textviewer panel label in it:

public class textviewer extends panel {      private static final long serialversionuid = 1l;      private label labeltext;      public textviewer() {         super();         labeltext = new label();         labeltext.setwidth("100%");         labeltext.setstylename("largetextdisplay");          super.setcontent(labeltext);         super.setsizefull();     }      public void settext(string text) {         labeltext.setvalue(text);     }  } 

i don't think css on label causing problem it's this:

.mytheme .largetextdisplay {     white-space: pre-wrap;     word-wrap: normal; } 


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