c# - Crystal report showing one column same at Multiple rows -

i have wrote query in vb.net show @ crystal report 1 columns name customer.name showing @ report same @ rows here query , code

dim rpt new rptsales2 'the report created.         dim myconnection sqlconnection         dim mycommand, mycommand1 new sqlcommand()         dim myda, myda1 new sqldataadapter()         dim myds, myds1 new dataset 'the dataset created.         myconnection = new sqlconnection(cs)         mycommand.connection = myconnection         mycommand1.connection = myconnection         mycommand.commandtext = "select invoiceinfo.inv_id, invoiceinfo.invoiceno,invoiceinfo.invoicedate, customer.name, sum(invoiceinfo.grandtotal)-sum(invoiceinfo.prevdue) grandtotal, sum(invoiceinfo.totalpaid) totalpaid,isnull(sum(balance),0)-isnull(sum(prevdue),0) currentdue,isnull(sum(prevdue),0) prevdue,sum(invoiceinfo.balance) balance invoiceinfo inner join customer on invoiceinfo.customerid = customer.id invoicedate between @d1 , @d2 group invoiceinfo.invoicedate,invoiceinfo.invoiceno,customer.name,invoiceinfo.totalpaid,invoiceinfo.inv_id"          mycommand.parameters.add("@d1", sqldbtype.datetime, 30, "date").value = dtpdatefrom.value.date         mycommand.parameters.add("@d2", sqldbtype.datetime, 30, "date").value = dtpdateto.value.date         mycommand1.commandtext = "select * company"         mycommand.commandtype = commandtype.text         mycommand1.commandtype = commandtype.text         myda.selectcommand = mycommand         myda1.selectcommand = mycommand1         myda.fill(myds, "invoiceinfo")         myda.fill(myds, "customer")         myda1.fill(myds, "company") 

here sql query select invoiceinfo.inv_id, invoiceinfo.invoiceno,invoiceinfo.invoicedate, customer.name, sum(invoiceinfo.grandtotal)-sum(invoiceinfo.prevdue) grandtotal, sum(invoiceinfo.totalpaid) totalpaid,isnull(sum(balance),0)-isnull(sum(prevdue),0) currentdue,isnull(sum(prevdue),0) prevdue,sum(invoiceinfo.balance) balance invoiceinfo inner join customer on invoiceinfo.customerid = customer.id invoicedate between @d1 , @d2 group invoiceinfo.invoicedate,invoiceinfo.invoiceno,customer.name,invoiceinfo.totalpaid,invoiceinfo.inv_id query showing @ sql server managment studio query

here screen shot both @ crystal report , sql server managment studio

https://gyazo.com/569dad19a7957f35eb449fd45adf1177 https://gyazo.com/f8b6b8b56ab05c4c54a9b49e60ee6cae

please me @ point

looking @ sql ms screenshot, can infer not require group in report in first place,try removing group , place fields in detail section.it should work fine.


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