html - CSS & LESS - Gradient & Border issue -

<div class="menu_wrapper"> <div class="menu_entry"><p class="text_menu_entry">{$uistrings['ui_text_view']}</p></div> <div class="menu_entry"><p class="text_menu_entry">{$uistrings['ui_text_add']}</p></div> </div>

all css on jsfiddle...

why code on hover, makes 1 of borders, bottom, 100% colored. line...

you can check live on project:

click "fleet", on right column, menu area. hover menu items...

i thank all, time, patience , answers.

thank you.

add rule :hover definition

background-repeat: no-repeat; 

borders inside of element. since have semi-transparent , background set repeat default see gradient making 'less transparent'


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