Can anyone give me an example of Facebook API Pagination in android -

i me/likes list of facebook pages. following code first 25 results of liked pages. can me pagination of graph request not understand facebook guidelines on couldnt find other code examples online.

graphrequestasynctask graphrequestasynctaskforlikes = new graphrequest(                         loginresult.getaccesstoken(),                         "/me/likes",                         null,                         httpmethod.get,                         new graphrequest.callback() {                             public void oncompleted(graphresponse response) {                                  try {                                      jsonobject jsonobject = new jsonobject(string.valueof(response.getjsonobject()));                                     jsonarray pagenumber = jsonobject.getjsonarray("data");                                      (int = 0; < pagenumber.length() ; i++){                                         jsonobject = pagenumber.getjsonobject(i);                                         pages = pages + a.getstring("name") + i;                                     }                                                                          }catch (jsonexception e) {                                     textview.settext("can't find likes");                                     user_numberoffriends = -1;                                     e.printstacktrace();                                  }                             }                          }).executeasync(); 


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