c# - Why I can't convert a byte[2] array to int with BitConverter? -
the main problem recive binary number 10 bits in use serialport use receive complete data:
byte[] buf = new byte[2]; serialport.read(buf, 0, buf.length); bitarray bits = new bitarray(buf);
the original idea convert binary int this:
foreach (bool b in bits) { if(b){ binary += "1"; } else{ binary+= "0"; } } decimal = convert.toint32(binary, 2); decimal = decimal >> 6;
binary string, works need know if exists solution, instead of previuos code try this:
decimal = bitconverter.toint16(buf, 0);
but read first 8 bits, need other 2 bits missing! if change toint16 toint32
decimal = bitconverter.toint32(buf, 0);
the program stops system.argumentexception: destination array not long enough...
what can do?
you can shift values in bytes match, , put them together. if got use of bits right, be:
int value = (buf[0] << 2) | (buf[1] >> 6);
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