cuda - nvprof is using all available GPU's when profiling python script -

i using remote machine, has 2 gpu's, in order execute python script has cuda code. in order find can improve performance of code, trying use nvprof.

i have set on code want use 1 of 2 gpu's on remote machine, although, when calling nvprof --profile-child-processes ./, process same id started on each of gpu's.

is there argument can give nvprof in order use 1 gpu profiling?

the cuda environment variable cuda_visible_devices can used restrict cuda runtime api use gpus. can try this:

cuda_visible_devices="0" nvprof --profile-child-processes ./ 

also, nvprof documented , has command line via nvprof --help. looking @ command-line help, see --devices switch appears limit @ least functions use particular gpus. try with:

nvprof --devices 0 --profile-child-processes ./ 


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