javascript - Why do I get a 'CSRF token missing or incorrect' error? -
i trying return value view function in django. function being called javsscript code using ajax, thrown error reads 'forbidden (csrf token missing or incorrect)'.
the html code looks this:
<div align="center" class="input-line"> <form class="input-form" method="post">{% csrf_token %} <input type = "text" id = "ans" class = "form-control" name = "address" placeholder="type postcode..."><br><br> <button id = "homebtn" class="btn btn-primary">find info</button><br><br> </form> </div>
the view function is:
def result(request): if(request == 'post'): param = request.form['my data'] = runareareview(param) #this returns string return httpresponse(this)
method 1
for making post requests ajax, need set header called http_x_csrftoken
, set it's value cookie stored in browser name csrftoken
. reference. in ajax call, should this.
var csrftoken = cookies.get('csrftoken'); $.ajax( ... headers:{"http_x_csrf_token":csrftoken} );
also note if using reverse proxy server nginx, make sure froward header django application.
method 2
you can disable csrf verification specific view using annotation. reference
from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt @csrf_exempt def result(request): ...
method 3
the method below not recommended security reasons
you can alwaws turnoff csrf middleware in settings rid of if building recreational purpose , not production.
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