c# - change the location of zoom buttons (+-) in Xamarin.Forms.Maps -

i want change location of zoom button controls (+)(-) on map in xamarin.forms. possible?

after research, think there no method relocate default zoom control of google map, said, can use custom renderer create own map control, can customize zoom control, example:

<grid>     <controls:mapwithmyzoomcontrol x:name="map"           horizontaloptions="fillandexpand"           verticaloptions="fillandexpand" />      <stacklayout orientation="vertical">         <button text="zoom in" clicked="zoom_in" />         <button text="zoom out" clicked="zoom_out" />     </stacklayout> </grid> 

mapwithmyzoomcontrol :

public class mapwithmyzoomcontrol : map {     public zoomstate myzoom     {         { return (zoomstate)getvalue(myzoomproperty); }         set { setvalue(myzoomproperty, value); }     }      public static readonly bindableproperty myzoomproperty =         bindableproperty.create(             propertyname: "myzoom",             returntype: typeof(zoomstate),             declaringtype: typeof(mapwithmyzoomcontrol),             defaultvalue: zoomstate.normal,             propertychanged: onzoompropertychanged);      public static void onzoompropertychanged(bindableobject bindable, object oldvalue, object newvalue)     {     }      public enum zoomstate     {         normal,         zoomin,         zoomout     } } 


public class mapwithmyzoomcontrolrenderer : maprenderer, ionmapreadycallback {     private googlemap map;      public void onmapready(googlemap googlemap)     {         map = googlemap;          map.uisettings.zoomcontrolsenabled = false;     }      protected override void onelementchanged(elementchangedeventargs<map> e)     {         base.onelementchanged(e);          if (e.oldelement != null)         {             // unsubscribe         }          if (e.newelement != null)         {             var formsmap = (mapwithmyzoomcontrol)e.newelement;              ((mapview)control).getmapasync(this);         }     }      protected override void onelementpropertychanged(object sender, propertychangedeventargs e)     {         base.onelementpropertychanged(sender, e);         var element = element mapwithmyzoomcontrol;         if (e.propertyname == "myzoom" && map != null)         {             if (element.myzoom == mapwithmyzoomcontrol.zoomstate.zoomin)             {                 map.animatecamera(cameraupdatefactory.zoomin());             }             else if (element.myzoom == mapwithmyzoomcontrol.zoomstate.zoomout)             {                 map.animatecamera(cameraupdatefactory.zoomout());             }             element.myzoom = mapwithmyzoomcontrol.zoomstate.normal;         }     } } 

don't forget add assembly in renderer this:

[assembly: exportrenderer(typeof(mapwithmyzoomcontrol), typeof(mapwithmyzoomcontrolrenderer))] 

now can change button styles , locations.


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