OSX - Create .app file using ant -

i have written app in objective-c running on mac(osx not ios). want use direct distribution. in xcode, can create .app file using product -> archive -> distribute.

how create .app file using ant?

i found answer myself. ant.xml follows

<project name="macagent" default="maccompile">         <property name="keychain.password" value="my_password"/>         <property name="user" value="my_username"/>         <property name="project.id" value="my_project_name"/>         <property name="xcodehome" value="/applications/xcode.app/contents/developer"/>          <target name="maccompile">                 <exec executable="security">                         <arg value="unlock-keychain"/>                         <arg value="-p"/>                         <arg value="${keychain.password}"/>                         <arg value="/users/${user}/library/keychains/login.keychain"/>                 </exec>                 <exec executable="${xcodehome}/usr/bin/xcodebuild">                         <arg value="-project"/>                         <arg value="${project.id}.xcodeproj"/>                         <arg value="clean"/>                         <arg value="build"/>                 </exec>         </target> </project> 


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