ios - Use Json_create always get NULL frome json-string in cocos2dx 2.2.3 -

my code @ follow

cclog("info: %s",infostr.c_str()); const char * buf=infostr.c_str(); cocos2d::extension::json* mjs = cocos2d::extension::json_create(buf); cocos2d::extension::json* item = json_getitem(mjs,"results"); cocos2d::extension::json* array1 = json_getitemat (item, 0); cocos2d::extension::json* itemnode =   json_getitem(array1,"version"); float floatvalue = itemnode->valuefloat; cclog("floatvalue: %f",floatvalue); 

the result of cclog("info: %s",infostr.c_str()); @ follow:

{ "resultcount": 1, "results": [     {         "kind": "software",         "features": [],         "supporteddevices": [             "iphone4s",             "ipadwifi",             "ipadthirdgen4g",             "iphone5",             "ipadmini4g",             "ipadfourthgen4g",             "ipodtouchthirdgen",             "ipadthirdgen",             "ipad3g",             "iphone4",             "ipodtouchourthgen",             "ipodtouchfifthgen",             "iphone-3gs",             "ipad2wifi",             "iphone5c",             "ipad23g",             "iphone5s",             "ipadfourthgen",             "ipadmini"         ],         "isgamecenterenabled": false,         "screenshoturls": [             "",             "",             ""         ],         "ipadscreenshoturls": [],         "artworkurl60": "",         "artworkurl512": "",         "artistviewurl": "",         "artistid": 777399907,         "artistname": "wei gao",         "price": 0,         "version": "1.0",         "description": "description",         "currency": "usd",         "genres": [             "photo & video",             "entertainment"         ],         "genreids": [             "6008",             "6016"         ],         "releasedate": "2014-01-02t23:19:32z",         "sellername": "w",         "bundleid": "d.imyphotos",         "trackid": 77,         "trackname": "ff",         "primarygenrename": "photo & video",         "primarygenreid": 6008,         "formattedprice": "free",         "wrappertype": "software",         "trackcensoredname": "ff",         "languagecodesiso2a": [             "en"         ],         "filesizebytes": "14",         "sellerurl": "http://wwww",         "contentadvisoryrating": "4+",         "artworkurl100": "",         "trackviewurl": "",         "trackcontentrating": "4+"     } ] } 

i json* mjs null.i think string of json right.i used google can't answer. use json_create in wrong way? or other reason? lot of thank!


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