Laravel custom validation messages -

i'm trying validate uk postcode using laravel. here's i've got:

//routes.php     $rules =  array(         'pcode' => array('required:|regex:/^([gg][ii][rr] 0[aa]{2})|((([a-za-z][0-9]{1,2})|(([a-za-z][a-ha-hj-yj-y][0-9]{1,2})|(([a-za-z][‌​0-9][a-za-z])|([a-za-z][a-ha-hj-yj-y][0-9]?[a-za-z])))) [0-9][a-za-z]{2})$/')      );      $messages = array(         'required' => 'the :attribute field required.',         'pcode' => array('regex', 'poscode should valid uk based entry'),     );      $validator = validator::make(input::all(), $rules, $messages); 

in blade:

<input id="postcode" name="pcode" value="{{input::old('pcode')}}" type="text" placeholder="postcode" class="form-control" xequired="" />     @if( $errors->has('pcode') ) <span class="error" style='background-color: pink;'>{{ $errors->first('pcode') }}</span> @endif 

if submit form empty pcode field, warns me required field. if enter invalid postcode, '74rht' say, validator nothing or fails display custom message defined above?

the laravel manual states:

note: when using regex pattern, may necessary specify rules in array instead of using pipe delimiters, if regular expression contains pipe character.

change $rules structure:

$rules = array(     'pcode' => array(         'required',         'regex:/^([gg][ii][rr] 0[aa]{2})|((([a-za-z][0-9]{1,2})|(([a-za-z][a-ha-hj-yj-y][0-9]{1,2})|(([a-za-z][‌​0-9][a-za-z])|([a-za-z][a-ha-hj-yj-y][0-9]?[a-za-z])))) [0-9][a-za-z]{2})$/'     )  ); 

if doesn't work, maybe regex isn't valid, try use easier regex check if validator works.


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