jsp - Java-EE redirect to a custom error page -

is there way include error page wrong path request? need wrong path requested user sent error.jsp

for example if "/example" part of web.xml send localhost:8080/example if user specifies localhost:8080/examp redirect error.jsp

i tried following code in web.xml , created error.jsp inside web pages directory in netbeans , still sent me yahoo error handle page:

<web-app>     <error-page>         <error-code>404</error-code>         <location>/error.jsp</location>     </error-page>     <error-page>         <exception-type>java.lang.throwable</exception-type>         <location>/error.jsp</location>     </error-page>  </web-app> 


<%@ page iserrorpage="true" %> <html>     <head>         <title>show error page</title>    </head>    <body>         <h1>opps...</h1>         <p>an error occurred.</p>    </body> </html> 

first create custom servlet , use both exceptions , errors. refer below code.

@webservlet("/appexceptionhandler") public class appexceptionhandler extends httpservlet {      private static final long serialversionuid = 1l;     protected void doget(httpservletrequest request,             httpservletresponse response) throws servletexception, ioexception {         processerror(request, response);     }      protected void dopost(httpservletrequest request,             httpservletresponse response) throws servletexception, ioexception {         processerror(request, response);     }      private void processerror(httpservletrequest request,             httpservletresponse response) throws ioexception {         // analyze servlet exception         throwable throwable = (throwable) request                 .getattribute("javax.servlet.error.exception");         integer statuscode = (integer) request                 .getattribute("javax.servlet.error.status_code");         string servletname = (string) request                 .getattribute("javax.servlet.error.servlet_name");         if (servletname == null) {             servletname = "unknown";         }         string requesturi = (string) request                 .getattribute("javax.servlet.error.request_uri");         if (requesturi == null) {             requesturi = "unknown";         }          // set response content type           response.setcontenttype("text/html");            printwriter out = response.getwriter();           out.write("<html><head><title>exception/error details</title></head><body>");           if(statuscode != 500){               out.write("<h3>error details</h3>");               out.write("<strong>status code</strong>:"+statuscode+"<br>");               out.write("<strong>requested uri</strong>:"+requesturi);           }else{               out.write("<h3>exception details</h3>");               out.write("<ul><li>servlet name:"+servletname+"</li>");               out.write("<li>exception name:"+throwable.getclass().getname()+"</li>");               out.write("<li>requested uri:"+requesturi+"</li>");               out.write("<li>exception message:"+throwable.getmessage()+"</li>");               out.write("</ul>");           }            out.write("<br><br>");           out.write("<a href=\"index.html\">home page</a>");           out.write("</body></html>");     } } 

then configure in deployment descriptor web.xml

        <welcome-file-list>                <welcome-file> index.html</welcome-file >         </welcome-file-list>         <error-page>                <error-code> 404</error-code>                <location> /appexceptionhandler</location >         </error-page>          <error-page>                <exception-type> javax.servlet.servletexception</exception-type>                <location>/appexceptionhandler</location >         </error-page>         <error-page>   <exception-type >java.lang.throwable </exception-type>   <location >/appexceptionhandler </location> 

when exception occures call appexceptionhandler class , cause display custom error page.


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