c# - How to use stored procedure in EF by using uow pattern? -

i have interface name iunitofwork in datalayer :

public interface iunitofwork {     idbset<tentity> set<tentity>() tentity : class;      int savechanges();      ilist<tentity> sqlqueries<tentity>( string _sql ) tentity : class;  } 

and context:

public class context : dbcontext, iunitofwork {    public dbset<slider> myslider { get; set; }     public new idbset<tentity> set<tentity>() tentity : class         {             return base.set<tentity>();          }        public ilist<tentity> sqlqueries<tentity>( string _sql ) tentity : class      {         return base.database.sqlquery<tentity>(_sql).tolist();         // use 'tolist()' here or not??      }  } 

and in service have:

public  interface islider {      ilist<domainmodel.slider> slidergetall();   } 

and :

public class slider:islider {        iunitofwork _uow;     idbset<domainmodel.slider> _slider;     ilist<domainmodel.slider> _slider2;        public slider( iunitofwork uow )     {         _uow=uow;         _slider = _uow.set<domainmodel.slider>();      }     public ilist<domainmodel.slider> slidergetall()     {          var slide=_uow.sqlqueries<domainmodel.slider>("slidergetall");         return slide;     }   } 

it's working in way, want know way use stored procedure?

note: used structure map di.


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