Using @SessionAttributes and modelAttribute with validation in Spring Boot -
imagine application (written spring boot) login information (for example, username , password) , values want persist in session (for example, shopping cart)
first of all, have pojo information need in session
public class infovo implements serializable { private string username; private string password; private string otherinformation1; private string otherinformation2; ... }
on controller class have these annotations:
@controller @sessionattributes({"info"})
on init method have somethign this:
@requestmapping(value="/init", method = {, requestmethod.get }) public string init(httpservletrequest request, httpservletresponse response, model model){ model.addattribute("info", new infovo()); return "login"; }
and on method calling after login, obtain jsp fields, have this:
@requestmapping(value="/login", method = {, requestmethod.get }) public string login(httpservletrequest request, httpservletresponse response, model model, @modelattribute("info") infovo infovo){ ... model.addattribute("info", infovo); }
i want validate fields inside form, implementing this:
public class loginvalidador implements validator { public boolean supports(class<?> c) {return infovo.class.isassignablefrom(c);} public void validate(object target, errors errors) { ... } }
what's problem? don't know correct way write login.jsp. explain 2 examples.
version 1:
<form:form method="post" id="demo_form" action="login" class="form-horizontal" modelattribute="infovo"> ... <form:input path="username" type="text" ... </form:form>
if write form this, need specify modelattribute, object want validate (infovo in case). if it, need obtain infovo fields on login controller , set these on session object "info". can't set directly on session object fields. need this:
model.addattribute("info", new infovo(username,password));
version 2:
in order use directly session object, can write jsp doing this:
<form method="post" id="demo_form" action="login"> username: <input id="username" name="username" type="text" value="${info.username}"> password: <input id="password" name="password" type="text" value="${info.password}"> </form>
writing jsp, username , password values travel between jsp , controller , don't need set anything. controller have these values on infovo object.
but, doing this, how can validate form? in order validate form need specify commandname or modelattribute, , "info" not object validate. object infovo.
in resume... knows what's best practice doing this? version 1 correct? (a session object setted on controller form pojo) or version 2 more efficient (directly using session object)? , if version 2 best way, how can validate form validator implementation? need put on jsp in order use validator session object?
thanks in advance
p.d. don't wan't use spring security. login , password fiels example :)
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