http - Simple HTTPServer in Python with Static IP-Adresses in LAN does not work even after allowing Port-Rules under Windows 10 -

i want write simple httpserver program, have following code this:

import simplehttpserver import socketserver   basehttpserver import basehttprequesthandler,httpserver  port_number = 8080 #this class handles incoming request #the browser  class myhandler(basehttprequesthandler):      #handler requests     def do_get(self):         self.send_response(200)         self.send_header('content-type','text/html')         self.end_headers()         # send html message         self.wfile.write("hello world !")         return  try:     #create web server , define handler manage     #incoming request     server = httpserver(('', port_number), myhandler)     print 'started httpserver on port ' , port_number      #wait forever incoming htto requests     server.serve_forever()  except keyboardinterrupt:     print '^c received, shutting down web server'     server.socket.close() 

the code executes fine , when openning greeted correct message "hello world".

however want connect outside, conention error when doing so.

i tried several steps turning off windows firewall, , making new port rules. not quite sure if there have specific rules in , out, , kinda guessed (allowed in lan on tcp , available ip-adresses) - did in , out.

i tried give ip-adress directly, instead of used static ip adress greeted with:

[errno 10049] requested address invalid in context 

is there simple , safe solution problem?


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