Matter.js Compound Collision Clipping -

compound bodies clip dramatically, , results in variety of glitches, example this. seems occur when there's parts in 1 compound. i'm not sure if i'm doing wrong or if bug.

// module aliases  var engine = matter.engine,    render = matter.render,    world =,    bodies = matter.bodies;    // create engine  var engine = engine.create();    // create renderer  var render = render.create({    element: document.body,    engine: engine  });  var composite = matter.body.create();    var bodya = matter.bodies.rectangle(0, 0, 100, 100)  var bodyb = matter.bodies.rectangle(0, 0, 100, 100)  var bodyc = matter.bodies.rectangle(0, 0, 100, 100)  var origin = matter.bodies.rectangle(0, 0, 20, 20)  world.add(, [composite])  matter.body.setparts(composite, [origin, bodya], true)  var ground = matter.bodies.rectangle(500, 800, 2000, 400)  world.add(, ground)  matter.body.rotate(composite, 5)  matter.body.setposition(composite, {    x: 500,    y: 0  })  matter.body.setstatic(ground, true)  settimeout(function() {    addrelative({      body: bodyb,      composite: composite,      position: {        x: 0,        y: 100      }    })    settimeout(function() {      addrelative({        body: matter.bodies.rectangle(0, 0, 100, 100),        composite: composite,        position: {          x: 100,          y: 0        }      })      addrelative({        body: matter.bodies.rectangle(0, 0, 100, 100),        composite: composite,        position: {          x: 100,          y: 100        }      })      addrelative({        body: matter.bodies.rectangle(0, 0, 100, 100),        composite: composite,        position: {          x: 100,          y: 200        }      })      addrelative({        body: matter.bodies.rectangle(0, 0, 100, 100),        composite: composite,        position: {          x: 100,          y: 300        }      })      addrelative({        body: matter.bodies.rectangle(0, 0, 100, 100),        composite: composite,        position: {          x: 100,          y: -100        }      })      addrelative({        body: matter.bodies.rectangle(0, 0, 100, 100),        composite: composite,        position: {          x: 100,          y: -200        }      })      addrelative({        body: matter.bodies.rectangle(0, 0, 100, 100),        composite: composite,        position: {          x: 100,          y: -300        }      })      addrelative({        body: matter.bodies.rectangle(0, 0, 100, 100),        composite: composite,        position: {          x: -100,          y: 100        }      })        world.remove(, composite);      settimeout(function() {        world.add(, composite);      }, 10)      }, 500)  }, 00)    function addrelative(obj) {    //obj.body    //obj.composite    //obj.position        var bodyb = obj.body    var composite = obj.composite    var origin =[1]    var angularvelocity = composite.angularvelocity;    var velocity = composite.velocity;    matter.body.setposition(bodyb, {      x: origin.position.x + obj.position.x,      y: origin.position.y + obj.position.y    });    var newvector = matter.vector.rotateabout(bodyb.position, composite.angle, origin.position);    matter.body.setposition(bodyb, newvector);    matter.body.setangle(bodyb, composite.angle);    var arr =;    arr.shift();    arr.push(bodyb)    matter.body.setparts(composite, arr, false)    matter.body.setvelocity(composite, velocity);    matter.body.setangularvelocity(composite, angularvelocity);  };  var renderoptions = render.options  renderoptions.showaxes = true;  renderoptions.showpositions = true;  renderoptions.showconvexhulls = true;
body {    background: #222;    text-align: center;  }
<script src=""></script>

wondering if there's fix / workaround.

currently hit brick wall in project because of this.


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