tsql - Not Producing correct output when used like operator - sql server 2008 -
my sql server case sensitive: latin1_general_ci_as
i have 2 table given below.
declare @tablea table ( custname varchar (100) ) insert @tablea select 'one stop motorist centre' declare @tableb table ( custname varchar (100) ) insert @tableb select 'one stop motorist centre & bodyshop' union select 'one stop motorist centre (cambridge' union select 'one stop motorist centre (cambridge' union select 'one stop motorist centre & bodyshop'
but not getting when running below query, not giving result.
select * @tablea inner join @tableb b on '%'+ upper(a.[custname])+'%' '%'+ upper(b.[custname])+'%'
can suggest tweek have result.
the pattern goes on right side of like
. example:
select * @tablea inner join @tableb b on upper(b.[custname]) '%'+ upper(a.[custname])+'%';
if want inclusion in either direction, use 2 conditions:
select * @tablea inner join @tableb b on upper(b.[custname]) '%'+ upper(a.[custname])+'%' or upper(a.[custname]) '%'+ upper(b.[custname])+'%';
i should note default, sql server case-insensitive. don't need upper-case values in cases.
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