java - Getting Exception While Invoking Web Service From Android -

i beginner in this, facing issue while invoking web service method (signup) android. works fine when try browser when android gives me exception "

soapfault - faultcode: 'soap:client' faultstring: ' server did not recognize value of http header soapaction: signup. @ @ @ type, httpcontext context, httprequest request, httpresponse response) @ type, httpcontext context, httprequest request, httpresponse response, boolean& abortprocessing)' faultactor: 'null' detail: org.kxml2.kdom."

this java signup class

string soap_action1 = ""; string method_name1 = "signup"; btn = (button)findviewbyid(;     btn.setonclicklistener(new view.onclicklistener() {         @override         public void onclick(view v) {             new webservice().execute(method_name1,soap_action1,txt_name.gettext().tostring(),                  txt_email.gettext().tostring(),txt_password.gettext().tostring(),                     txt_address.gettext().tostring(),                     txt_dob.gettext().tostring(),                     txt_account.gettext().tostring(),                                         txt_cnic.gettext().tostring(),txt_pobox.gettext().tostring(),                                       txt_city.gettext().tostring(),txt_status.gettext().tostring()); 

this java webservice class

 private static string namespace = ""; private static string url = "";  protected string doinbackground(string... params) {     string s="";     string whichmethodcall = params[0];     switch(whichmethodcall){         case "signup":             s = signup(params);             break;         case "signin":             s = signin(params);             break;     }     return s; }  public string signup(string[] arr){     string s = "";     soapobject request = new soapobject(namespace, arr[1]);     //use add parameters     request.addproperty("cname",arr[2]);     request.addproperty("cemail",arr[3]);     request.addproperty("cpwd",arr[4]);     request.addproperty("caddress",arr[5]);     request.addproperty("cdob",arr[6]);     request.addproperty("caccount",arr[7]);     request.addproperty("ccnic",arr[8]);     request.addproperty("cpobox",arr[9]);     request.addproperty("ccity",arr[10]);     request.addproperty("cstatus",arr[11]);      //declare version of soap request     soapserializationenvelope envelope = new      soapserializationenvelope(soapenvelope.ver11);     envelope.setoutputsoapobject(request);     envelope.dotnet = true;      try {         httptransportse androidhttptransport = new httptransportse(url);         //this actual part call webservice[0], envelope);          // soapresult envelope body.        // soapobject result = (soapobject)envelope.bodyin;        // soapobject result = (soapobject) envelope.getresponse();         if (envelope.bodyin instanceof soapfault) {             final soapfault result = (soapfault) envelope.bodyin;             if (result != null) {                 //get first property , change label text                    s = result.tostring();             } else                 s = "no response";                       }     } catch (exception e) {         e.printstacktrace();         s=e.getmessage().tostring();     }     return s; } 

and webservice method

 public string signup(string cname, string caddress, string cdob, long caccount, long ccnic, int cpobox, string ccity, string cstatus,string cemail, string cpass)     {         bool check = connectdb();           // opens connection insert new user         string msg = "";         //datetime dob = datetime.parseexact(cdob, "dd/mm/yyyy", null);         string query = "insert customers values('" + cname + "','" + caddress + "','" + cdob + "','" + caccount + "','" + ccnic + "','" + cpobox + "','" + ccity + "','" + cstatus + "','"+ cemail + "','"+ cpass + "')";         sqlcommand comm = new sqlcommand(query, con);         try{             if (check == true){                 if (comm.executenonquery() > 0)                     msg = "you've signed !";                 else                     msg = "sign error";                                }             else                                msg = "database not connected";                        }catch (sqlexception ex){             msg = ex.message.tostring();             con.close();         }finally{             con.close();         }         return msg;     } 

can try this

instead of soapobject request = new soapobject(namespace, arr[1]); use

soapobject request = new soapobject(namespace, arr[0]);

in soap object should pass method name, without http://...


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