sql server - SQL grouped statement with count and percentage -

i have table(simplified)

id1  id2  status ---  ---  ------ 1    33     0  1    33     0  1    33     1  1    33     1  1    34     1  1    34     2  2    33     0 2    33     0 2    34     0 

i want count total number of statuses grouped status type , percentage number of statuses pertaining particular ids id1 & id2

an example output be

id1  id2  status   count   percentage ---  ---  ------   -----   ---------- 1    33     0        2         50% 1    33     1        2         50% 1    34     1        1         50% 1    34     2        1         50% 2    33     0        2         100% 2    34     0        1         100% 

so far have been able count, not percentage. query now

select id1, id2 ,  status, count(id2) count    stattable  group id1, id2, status 

you can percentage using window functions total each id1, id2 combination:

select id1, id2 ,  status, count(*) cnt,        count(*) * 100.0 / count(*) on (partition id1, id2) percentage stattable group id1, id2, status; 


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