Google Drive SDK iOS - Upload LARGE video ALAssetRepresentation using NSData (not NSFileHandle)? -

the example ...

... uses nsfilehandle ...

nsfilehandle *filehandle = [nsfilehandle filehandleforreadingatpath:path]; if (filehandle) {   nsstring *mimetype = @"image/jpeg";   gtluploadparameters *uploadparameters = [gtluploadparameters uploadparameterswithfilehandle:filehandle                                                                                      mimetype:mimetype]; 

... means need (re)persist alassetrepresentation disk able nsfilehandle, instead of using alassetrepresentation getbytes:, , using nsdata ...

gtluploadparameters *uploadparameters = [gtluploadparameters uploadparameterswithdata:uploaddata                                                                              mimetype:fileobj.mimetype]; 

... there way stream alassetrepresentation nsdata gtlservicedrive query?

trying alassetrepresentation getbytes: large video memory causes crash.

also, re(persisting) alassetrepresentation disk seems waste - processing time & space (that may not exist).

surely there nice way google drive ios sdk & direct alassetrepresentation streamed nsdata?

the drivesdk works nsfilehandle, , can tell there no way convert between alassetrepresentation nsfilehandle except persisting disk. see related stack overflow question.


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