osx - How to display animated GIF in Objective C on top of the layered View? -
i trying draw animated gif on screen in mac osx app . used code insert gif: can see gif 1 picture doesn't animates static picture :( should add make animated ?
#import <cocoa/cocoa.h> #import <quartz/quartz.h>//for drawing circle #import "sharedprefferences.h" @interface genericfansubview : nsview { nscolor * _backgroundcolor; nsimageview* imageview; } - (void)setbackgroundcolor :(nscolor*)color; - (void)insertgif1; - (void)insertgif2; - (void)insertgif3; @end #import "genericfansubview.h" #define pi 3.14285714285714 @implementation genericfansubview - (id)initwithframe:(nsrect)frame { self = [super initwithframe:frame]; if (self) { // initialization code here. imageview = [[nsimageview alloc]initwithframe:cgrectmake(0, 0,self.frame.size.width,self.frame.size.height)]; [imageview setanimates: yes]; } return self; } - (void)drawrect:(nsrect)dirtyrect { [super drawrect:dirtyrect]; // drawing code here. [self drawcircleinrect]; _backgroundcolor = [nscolor whitecolor]; [self insertgif1]; } -(void)drawcircleinrect { //draw colored circle here cgcontextref context = [[nsgraphicscontext // 1 currentcontext] graphicsport]; // ********** drawing code here ********** // 2 cgcontextsetfillcolorwithcolor(context,[self nscolortocgcolor:(_backgroundcolor)]); float radius1 = self.frame.size.height/2; float startangle = 0; float endangle = endangle = pi*2; cgpoint position = cgpointmake(self.frame.size.height/2,self.frame.size.height/2);//center of view cgcontextbeginpath(context); cgcontextaddarc(context, position.x, position.y, radius1, startangle, endangle, 1); cgcontextdrawpath(context, kcgpathfill); // or kcgpathfill } - (void)setbackgroundcolor :(nscolor*)color { _backgroundcolor = color; [self setneedsdisplay:yes]; } - (cgcolorref)nscolortocgcolor:(nscolor *)color { nsinteger numberofcomponents = [color numberofcomponents]; cgfloat components[numberofcomponents]; cgcolorspaceref colorspace = [[color colorspace] cgcolorspace]; [color getcomponents:(cgfloat *)&components]; cgcolorref cgcolor = cgcolorcreate(colorspace, components); return cgcolor; } //curentlly calling 1 - (void)insertgif1 { [imageview removefromsuperview]; [imageview setimagescaling:nsimagescalenone]; [imageview setanimates: yes]; imageview.image = [nsimage imagenamed:@"fanblades11.gif"]; [self addsubview:imageview]; } @end
edit: discovered source of problem: adding class (that represents gif inside circle) on top of rmblurredview
, animations doesn't work when adding subview ,however works on other views added.
any ideas reason inside rmblurredview
stop nsimageview animating ?
edit: think [self setwantslayer:yes];
reason not getting animations how can still animation feature enabled?
here simple sample problem
"you must disable autoscaling feature of nsimageview animation playback function. after you've done that, no programming required. works charm!"
imageview.imagescaling = nsimagescalenone; imageview.animates = yes;
needed layer backed views:
if image view in layer backed view or layer backed itself:
imageview.candrawsubviewsintolayer = yes;
working example using question's own gif:
nsimageview *view = [[nsimageview alloc] initwithframe:cgrectmake(10, 10, 50, 50)]; view.imagescaling = nsimagescalenone; view.animates = yes; view.image = [nsimage imagenamed:@"fanblades2_42x42.gif"]; view.candrawsubviewsintolayer = yes; nsview *layerview = [[nsview alloc] initwithframe:cgrectmake(0, 0, 60, 60)]; layerview.wantslayer = yes; [layerview addsubview:view]; [self.window.contentview addsubview:layerview];
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