html - IE 10 issue - "next page" on a website and SAP Punchout instance -

i'm responsible e-procurement team integrates number of large customer erps. before duck out if you're not erp expert, please note may more of browser issue/question resolution sap question.

one of our customers has been standardized on ie8 punching out our catalog ( yes, know, ie8 :). sap isn't setting curve e-technology). want move ie10, we're having bizarre issues during testing phase. prereq, please note way solution works start session inside sap, punchout our e-catalog, site retains "frameset" (a traditional frameset...not iframes/ajax div etc) top frame being way return sap system, , bottom frame being catalog. bottom frame encoded , don't have way know if manipulating our catalog code, or what.


in ie8, there no issues system. use our shopping cart, add things cart, go review cart on next page, , punch data sap. in ie10, blank screens on second page, custom sap 404 error - blank...when view source, 404 "this page cannot displayed", url given internal sap system, rather our catalog (which should trying page on our catalog rather internal sap page. more or less doesn't on our catalo page, environment, whatever...and redirects internal sap page doesn't exist/isn't working correctly). every time clicked on page (form submission, link, etc) has refresh entire page/frame, system white screens. using iframes (yes, know :) . ajax issues ie8 driver there, ie8 requirement our customer due sap...) submit datapoints on page, , don't have problem submitting iframe. second submit whole page, white screen/404 issue.


•it works fine in ie8. works in ie10 outside of frameset sap generating. inside of customers secure environment. second sap gets involved, issue occurs. we've never seen issue other deployment of anything, anywhere.

• ssl: managed testers past first page turning off ssl, had work way outside of traditional security in sap i'm not sure if has relevance @ all. ssl compatibility sap or frameset pertains ie10 thought process.

•it doesn't seem form submission issue. thought might have way ie10 interprets frame id submitting _self, etc, turns out traditional links don't work either no sort of target information.

•it's on page load itself, not on submission of form data page, when white screen happens. noticed half of page load split second before white screened. thought based on being sent, past header submissions or form posts.

•we pretty broke apart entirety of code , weeded out kinds of factors , tested them independently , in different extensively i'm positive isn't traditional coding issue. result pages ("second page") set tests had no content @ all. not find true consistent patterns. user make second page, other times not (only on tests, never on actual catalog), same test scenarios (so if had 9 test scenarios, they'd fail, or they'd succeed).

conclusions far:

•we're positive isn't code related. however, absolutely caching related? although have user clearing caching every page test, i'm not sure if clears page load on ssl or of nature?

•clearly there major difference between ie10 , ie8 , how interpret same environment. might sap issue, @ same time, there other punchout environments work ie10 , sap. our ssl type? interpreted differently in scenarios between 2 browsers?

•is there code can implement on page evaluate whats going on clientside , store down server review? sap system pretty security intensive, team helping test this. don't have option deploy advanced on users computer that's testing these scenarios, , can gather implementing code tickcounts , watches function execution on server because i'm positive browser side (if works in ie10, fails in wrapper ie10, there has sort of manipulation there need able track. way via code?)

anything else can think of helpful. we've been testing countless hours....we have pretty technically advanced team...really can't catch break on 1 or find consistencies.

thanks help!


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