ios - Loading JSON on UITableView w/ Monotouch -
i using xamarin.ios return json , attempt place on uitableview, overriding tostring()
in datum class in instagram client class, want able fix can load more names...
here instagram client turns json class objects:
public class rootobject { public pagination pagination { get; set; } public meta meta { get; set; } public list<datum> data { get; set; } } public class datum { public object attribution { get; set; } public list<string> tags { get; set; } public string type { get; set; } public object location { get; set; } public comments comments { get; set; } public string filter { get; set; } public string created_time { get; set; } public string link { get; set; } public likes likes { get; set; } public images images { get; set; } public list<object> users_in_photo { get; set; } public caption caption { get; set; } public bool user_has_liked { get; set; } public string id { get; set; } public user user { get; set; } public videos videos { get; set; } // overridden method want rid of public override string tostring() { if (user == null) { return "user null"; } return user.full_name; } } public class videos { public lowresolution2 low_resolution { get; set; } public standardresolution2 standard_resolution { get; set; } } public class standardresolution2 { public string url { get; set; } public int width { get; set; } public int height { get; set; } } public class lowresolution2 { public string url { get; set; } public int width { get; set; } public int height { get; set; } } public class user { public string username { get; set; } public string website { get; set; } public string profile_picture { get; set; } public string full_name { get; set; } public string bio { get; set; } public string id { get; set; } } public class caption { public string created_time { get; set; } public string text { get; set; } public from { get; set; } public string id { get; set; } } public class { public string username { get; set; } public string profile_picture { get; set; } public string id { get; set; } public string full_name { get; set; } } public class images { public lowresolution low_resolution { get; set; } public thumbnail thumbnail { get; set; } public standardresolution standard_resolution { get; set; } } public class standardresolution { public string url { get; set; } public int width { get; set; } public int height { get; set; } } public class thumbnail { public string url { get; set; } public int width { get; set; } public int height { get; set; } } public class lowresolution { public string url { get; set; } public int width { get; set; } public int height { get; set; } } public class likes { public int count { get; set; } public list<datum2> data { get; set; } } public class datum2 { public string username { get; set; } public string profile_picture { get; set; } public string id { get; set; } public string full_name { get; set; } } public class comments { public int count { get; set; } public list<object> data { get; set; } } public class meta { public int code { get; set; } } public class pagination { public string next_url { get; set; } public string next_max_id { get; set; } }
main view controller
this how returning json
var request = new restrequest { rootelement = "data", resource = "/users/self/feed" }; request.addparameter ("access_token", instagramaccesstoken); var client = new restclient (""); client.executeasync (request, response => { var rootobject = jsonconvert.deserializeobject<rootobject> (response.content); table.invokeonmainthread (() => { table.source = new tablesource<datum>(; table.reloaddata (); }); } );
tablesource class
public list<t> data { get; set; } protected string cellidentifier = "tablecell"; public tablesource () { data = new list<t> (); } public tablesource(list<t> data) { data = data; } public override int rowsinsection (uitableview tableview, int section) { return data.count; } public override void rowselected (uitableview tableview, nsindexpath indexpath) { if (onrowselected != null) { onrowselected (this, new rowselectedeventargs (tableview, indexpath)); } } public class rowselectedeventargs : eventargs { public uitableview tableview { get; set; } public nsindexpath indexpath { get; set; } public rowselectedeventargs(uitableview tableview, nsindexpath indexpath) : base() { this.tableview = tableview; this.indexpath = indexpath; } } public event eventhandler<rowselectedeventargs> onrowselected; public override uitableviewcell getcell (uitableview tableview, indexpath) { if (tableview.contentsize.height - uiscreen.mainscreen.bounds.height <= tableview.contentoffset.y) { // last row in last section console.writeline ("~~~bottom~~~"); } uitableviewcell cell = tableview.dequeuereusablecell (cellidentifier); // if there no cells reuse, create new 1 if (cell == null) cell = new uitableviewcell (uitableviewcellstyle.default, cellidentifier); // edited text cell.textlabel.text = data[indexpath.row].tostring (); return cell; }
i didn't have concrete method of displaying json on table, pretty open radical change.
in getcell method can access property of data. want create custom uitableviewcell if want display more 2 lines of data.
var item = data[indexpath.row]; cell.textlabel.text = item.user.username + " (" + item.user.full_name + ")"; cell.detailtextlabel.text = "created at: " + item.created_time;
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