hash - Compare two complex hashes in ruby -

i'm trying compare 2 hashes recursively in ruby, there caveats. can't compare strings because 1 hash uses nil , 1 uses 0 etc

here function:

    def compare_yaml(yaml1,yaml2)     f = ["f", "false", false]     t = ["t", "true", true]     nil_equivalents = [0, "", [], {}, nil, " "]     return true if yaml1 == yaml2      if (f.include?(yaml1) , f.include?(yaml2)) or (t.include?(yaml1) , t.include?(yaml2))       return true     end     if (nil_equivalents.include?(yaml1) && nil_equivalents.include?(yaml2))         # puts "we found nil"     return true     end     if (yaml1.class == yaml2.class)         if yaml1.class.to_s == "hash"             puts "gotta hash" + yaml1.to_s             # = yaml1.inspect             # b = yaml2.inspect             yaml1.keys.map{|k| (yaml2.keys.include? k)? compare_yaml(yaml1[k], yaml2[k]) : false}.reduce{|n,m| n&&m}         end         if yaml1.class.to_s == "array"             return false unless yaml1.length == yaml2.length             # yaml1.sort!             # yaml2.sort!             return yaml1.zip(yaml2).map { |e| compare_yaml(e[0],e[1])}.reduce{|n,m| n&&m}          end      end  return false end 

i try test if following line:

compare_yaml({"computer"=>{"axiom tech co"=>{"windows 2003"=>[["x86 family 6 model 14 stepping 8 ", nil, 1]]}, "dell"=>{"windows 2003"=>[["x86 family 15 model 4 stepping 1 ", nil, 1]]}}, "desktop"=>{"hewlett-packard"=>{"windows 7 pro"=>[["intel core i7 870 2.93ghz", 1, 1]], "windows xp pro"=>[["amd athlon dual core 4450b", 1, 1]]}}, "laptop"=>{"hewlett-packard"=>{"windows 7 pro"=>[["intel core i5 m 460 2.53ghz", 1, 1]]}}},{"computer"=>{"axiom tech co"=>{"windows 2003"=>[["x86 family 6 model 14 stepping 8", 0, 1]]}, "dell"=>{"windows 2003"=>[["x86 family 15 model 4 stepping 1", 0, 1]]}}, "desktop"=>{"hewlett packard"=>{"windows 7 pro"=>[["intel core i7 870 2.93ghz", 1, 1]], "windows xp pro"=>[["amd athlon dual core 4450b", 1, 1]]}}, "laptop"=>{"hewlett packard"=>{"windows 7 pro"=>[["intel core i5 m 460 2.53ghz", 1, 1]]}}}) 

which should return true, not

can help?

your sample should return false because:

  1. "x86 family 6 model 14 stepping 8 " != "x86 family 6 model 14 stepping 8" (there space @ end of first)
  2. "x86 family 15 model 4 stepping 1 " != "x86 family 15 model 4 stepping 1" (same thing)
  3. {"hewlett-packard"=>{"windows 7 pro"=>[["intel core i5 m 460 2.53ghz", 1, 1]]}}} != {"hewlett packard"=>{"windows 7 pro"=>[["intel core i7 870 2.93ghz", 1, 1]], "windows xp pro"=>[["amd athlon dual core 4450b", 1, 1]]}} (the first 1 missing "windows xp pro")
  4. "hewlett packard" != "hewlett-packard"

and on , on...

bottom line - sample should not return true...


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