infragistics - Truncated Display of Amounts in UltraGrid for data Type double -

i using infragistics.ultragrid , having problem truncated display of amounts in grid..the column in double there know how fix it?changing width , setting multiline has no use....thanks!

you need format ultragridcolumn currency datatype.
done in designer if define columns of datasource, otherwise in code (perhaps in initializelayout event)

 int integernumbers = 10;  // max count of integers in currency value  int decimalnumbers = 2;   // max count of decimals in currency value   // if write in initializelayout   // use e.layout.bands[0].columns  ultragridcolumn cl = grid.displaylayout.bands[0].columns["yourcolumnkey"];   // align on right side   cl.cellappearance.texthalign = halign.right;  cl.header.appearance.texthalign = halign.right;   // format maskinput  cl.maskinput = string.format("{{currency:-{0}.{1}}}", integernumbers, decimalnumbers); =; 


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