ios - Include email verification within signUpInBackgroundWithBlock function -

i have implemented following function (attached "register button") within registration view controller seen below. function relies upon parse , seamless in general.

however encountering following issues @ present:

  1. if user inserts invalid email address mistake; error string listed under "else" activated (which good) username , password entered above registered regardless.

  2. users able leave password field blank.

any whatsoever, pertaining issue 1, immensely appreciated.


// register user. - (ibaction)registeruser:(id)sender { pfuser *user = [pfuser user]; user.username = self.mobiletextfield.text; user.password = self.passwordtextfield.text; = self.emailtextfield.text;  // show loading hud. [mbprogresshud showhudaddedto:self.view animated:yes]; dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue( dispatch_queue_priority_low, 0), ^{  [user signupinbackgroundwithblock:^(bool succeeded, nserror *error)  {      if (!error)      {          [self performseguewithidentifier:@"userregistered" sender:self];      }      else      {          nsstring *errorstring = [[error userinfo] objectforkey:@"error"];          uialertview *erroralertview = [[uialertview alloc] initwithtitle:@"error"                                                 message:errorstring delegate:nil cancelbuttontitle:@"ok" otherbuttontitles:nil, nil];          [erroralertview show];           // dismiss loading hud.          dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{              [mbprogresshud hidehudforview:self.view animated:yes];          });      }  }];  // end editing. [self.view endediting: yes];  }); } 

you have number of problems here.

a, absolutely do not need , should not take new thread. parse you. must change it.

b, may looking magic formula in parse "if ( (!succeeded) || error)..."

c, should locally check email valid before sending it. (ie, can't enter "xyz@hotmail" or not sensible email.)

ie, need write routine "checkthisemailisvalid". if need yell out. note it's not easy conceptually. understand parse try verify email right? ie send 1 of emails "new user, click here verify email!" you're familiar that?

d, great secret 202 error code

here's example code production app, hope helps!

-(void)_actuallyjoin    {    ... things check email valid     ... in app username lowercase email     pfuser *nuser = [pfuser user];    nuser.username = [ lowercasestring];     ... in app, email email, password password =;    nuser.password = self.password.text;     [app huddie];    app.hud.labeltext = @"registering ...";    app.hud.detailslabeltext = @"1 of 3 ...";    ... mbprogresshud.     [nuser signupinbackgroundwithblock:^(bool succeeded, nserror *error)       {       if ( (!succeeded) || error)          {          [app.hud hide:yes]; .. that's mbprogresshud           .. usually, blank form while app connecting = @"";          self.password.text = @"";          self.confirmpassword.text = @"";           if ( error.code == 202 )             {             [pfanalytics trackevent:@"newaccount"                dimensions:@{ @"result":@"emailalreadyused" }];              [self woe:@"that email address in use...."];             [pfuser logout]; .. don't forget             return;             }           [pfanalytics trackevent:@"newaccount"             dimensions:@{ @"result":@"connectionwoe" }];          [self woe:@"couldn't connect. please try later"];          return;          }        nslog(@"step 1 rego success");       [self _actuallyjoinsteptwo];       ... continue save other information       ... example user's address, age, avatar photo etc.       }];    } 


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