c# - Calculating bulge factors for Polyline objects in BricsCAD -
according dxf instructions bulge value (group code 42):
bulge (optional; default 0). bulge tangent of 1 fourth included angle arc segment, made negative if arc goes clockwise start point endpoint. bulge of 0 indicates straight segment, , bulge of 1 semicircle.
now, found resource calculating bulges lisp programming. however, in part states:
the curvature of polyline arc segment defined using quantity known bulge. unit measures deviation of curve straight line (chord) joining 2 vertices of segment. defined ratio of arc sagitta (versine) half length of chord between 2 vertices; ratio equal tangent of quarter of included arc angle between 2 polyline vertices.
in way, negative bulge indicates arc follows clockwise direction first vertex next, positive bulge describing anticlockwise oriented arc. bulge of 0 indicates straight segment, , bulge of 1 semicircle.
i writing routine in c# bricscad , trying create polyline
object bulges. there:
at moment, how construct vertices. please note taking extents , offsetting extents margin on either side. @ same time stitching in bulge values:
polyline opolyrect = new polyline(); opolyrect.addvertexat(0, new point2d(extentsselection3d.minpoint.x - dmarginleft, extentsselection3d.minpoint.y), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); opolyrect.addvertexat(1, new point2d(extentsselection3d.minpoint.x - dmarginleft, extentsselection3d.maxpoint.y), -0.5, 0.0, 0.0); opolyrect.addvertexat(2, new point2d(extentsselection3d.minpoint.x, extentsselection3d.maxpoint.y + dmargintop), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); opolyrect.addvertexat(3, new point2d(extentsselection3d.maxpoint.x, extentsselection3d.maxpoint.y + dmargintop), -0.5, 0.0, 0.0); opolyrect.addvertexat(4, new point2d(extentsselection3d.maxpoint.x + dmarginright, extentsselection3d.maxpoint.y), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); opolyrect.addvertexat(5, new point2d(extentsselection3d.maxpoint.x + dmarginright, extentsselection3d.minpoint.y), -0.5, 0.0, 0.0); opolyrect.addvertexat(6, new point2d(extentsselection3d.maxpoint.x, extentsselection3d.minpoint.y - dmarginbottom), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); opolyrect.addvertexat(7, new point2d(extentsselection3d.minpoint.x, extentsselection3d.minpoint.y - dmarginbottom), -0.5, 0.0, 0.0); opolyrect.addvertexat(8, new point2d(extentsselection3d.minpoint.x - dmarginleft, extentsselection3d.minpoint.y), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
in principle working. problem bulge calculation. picked -0.5 out of air not enough.
the polyline
object exposes setbulgeat
method pass vertex index , bulge factor.
can please advise me on how put have found action have right bulge factors?
thank you.
an excellent answer kindly provided me bricssys:
look here.
i replicate c# code works great:
public static class extensions { // adds arc (fillet) @ each vertex, if able. public static void filletall(this polyline pline, double radius) { int = pline.closed ? 0 : 1; (int j = 0; j < pline.numberofvertices - i; j += 1 + pline.filletat(j, radius)) { } } // adds arc (fillet) @ specified vertex. returns 1 if operation succeeded, 0 if failed. public static int filletat(this polyline pline, int index, double radius) { int prev = index == 0 && pline.closed ? pline.numberofvertices - 1 : index - 1; if (pline.getsegmenttype(prev) != _acdb.segmenttype.line || pline.getsegmenttype(index) != _acdb.segmenttype.line) return 0; linesegment2d seg1 = pline.getlinesegment2dat(prev); linesegment2d seg2 = pline.getlinesegment2dat(index); vector2d vec1 = seg1.startpoint - seg1.endpoint; vector2d vec2 = seg2.endpoint - seg2.startpoint; double angle = (math.pi - vec1.getangleto(vec2)) / 2.0; double dist = radius * math.tan(angle); if (dist > seg1.length || dist > seg2.length) return 0; point2d pt1 = seg1.endpoint + vec1.getnormal() * dist; point2d pt2 = seg2.startpoint + vec2.getnormal() * dist; double bulge = math.tan(angle / 2.0); if (clockwise(seg1.startpoint, seg1.endpoint, seg2.endpoint)) bulge = -bulge; pline.addvertexat(index, pt1, bulge, 0.0, 0.0); pline.setpointat(index + 1, pt2); return 1; } // evaluates if points clockwise. private static bool clockwise(point2d p1, point2d p2, point2d p3) { return ((p2.x - p1.x) * (p3.y - p1.y) - (p2.y - p1.y) * (p3.x - p1.x)) < 1e-8; } }
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